- 文体上同意語を使用するのは主として言葉に変化と正確さを与えるためである
the main stylistic use of synonyms is to give variety and accuracy to language 意味
- "the main staircase" 意味
- "the main staple of commerce" 意味
- "the main strength of the opposition proposal lies in its ease of implementation" 意味
- "the main stress is laid upon excellence in mathematics" 意味
- "the main stumbling block" 意味
- "the main subject of discussion" 意味
- "the main support of the party lies in the middle classes" 意味
- "the main symptom of falling in love is that you lose your intellectual prowess" 意味
- "the main table" 意味
- "the main stress is laid upon excellence in mathematics" 意味
- "the main stumbling block" 意味
- "the main subject of discussion" 意味
- "the main support of the party lies in the middle classes" 意味